Business Premium Vs Enterprise 3 – What’s right for me?
Well I don’t know about you, but when I look at the different Office 365 packages online and try to compare them, all I see is a great long list of features. And by the time I’ve read all of one and move onto the next, I’ve forgotten whether that was available in the first package arghh!
There are clearly many differences between Office 365 Business Premium and Enterprise 3 (E3), and don’t get me wrong they’re both great, but what will be best for your business?
To help with this decision, let me call out some key features in E3 that you soon may realise your business can’t live without.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
With it only being a few weeks ago that the mandatory Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) laws came into effect, this should be your number 1 priority. Why?
The NDB scheme applies to agencies and organisations that the Privacy Act requires to take steps to secure certain categories of personal information. This includes Australian Government agencies, businesses and not-for-profit organisations with an annual turnover of $3 million or more, credit reporting bodies, health service providers, and TFN recipients, among others. See more
DLP allows you to prevent confidential client data (such as bank account details, TFNs etc.) from leaving your company via email, and from being communicated via email at all (internal or external).
E3 gives you this functionality plus policies to put in place and policy tips to help educate your teams.
E3 will have your back. *drops mic*
Rights Management Services
This is a crucial feature that allows you to maintain control over your company’s data, even if it leaves your company’s boundaries. Say you email a client a document or save it to your cloud drive, the Rights Management Protection secures company data and may also be legally mandated for compliance or simply for good information management practices.
Here’s how it works:

Legal Hold
Accountants are required to preserve all electronically stored information, including email that's relevant regarding their clients. You may currently enforce that all employees not delete their emails but accidents and mistakes happen. And what if an employee leaves and deletes their emails? Or there’s a rule configured in a mailbox that deletes something by mistake? What are you going to do?
Some companies may copy or move email to an archive to make sure it isn't deleted, altered, or tampered with. However, there are cost implications with this option due to the manual efforts required to copy or move messages to an archive, or third-party products used to collect and store email outside Exchange. They may also try suspending automated deletion but this doesn't prevent users from manually deleting email.
E3 can help you comply by preserving all sent and received emails, and eliminate the risk of legal action and financial hits.
Unlimited Archive and Mail Storage
This goes hand-in-hand with legal hold. Now that you’re keeping a record of every email, this is a must. And who likes to be capped anyway when it comes to storing data? I’d put a bet on that you don’t.
There’s more…
And I could go on all day but I’ll leave you with a few extra things to explore:
Lost something? With the unified eDiscovery Center, you can search across Exchange, Skype for Business, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint mailboxes
Business Intelligence in Excel and Power BI – as your business looks to expand into advisory services, we see a lot of firms start with the BI add-in for excel to start their journey and later move to Power BI, where they can provide their clients with real-time dashboards
What’s more, if you start using Teams as a client portal, clients can go to the one central place to communicate and collaborate with you, and see their reporting.
At HubOne we believe that these features are a ‘must-have’, not a ‘nice-to-have’. That’s why we decided to require a minimum of E3 to operate. We care about your data, your business and you.