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HubOne Support currently looks after thousands of users across Australia and New Zealand. We offer three major support categories from AU$15 per user per month.

Email Support

Email support is:

  • Complete access to the HubOne Helpdesk system found at

  • Helpdesk tickets are raised in the helpdesk system as a result of the client sending an email to

  • This email is converted into a ticket that is immediately visible by a range of support engineers.

  • The ticket will be assigned to a support engineer and responses by the engineer are sent by email to the client.

  • Helpdesk tickets are reviewed on a daily basis by a management team to ensure that tickets are responded to within the timeframe determined by the level of support.

Email support does not include:

  • Phone calls to or from the client.

  • Remote control of the client’s computer

  • On Site Visits


Web Support

Web support is:


Knowledge Base

Knowledge base is available at


Remote Control

Remote Control of computer includes our staff accessing your computer remotely to resolve issues on your request.


Voice Support

Voice support includes any support via telephone or voice.


Concierge Support

Concierge support is the support of products not supplied by HubOne through a third party support organisation on your behalf.


Desktop Support

Desktop Support is the support of any desktop, laptop, mobile phone, tablet or other personal computing device.


Account Manager

Account Manager is a nominated person as a contact point between HubOne and your business.


Legacy Technologies

Legacy technologies include any hardware purchased more than twelve months ago and any software which has been superseded by another version (and only includes systems with current vendor support) – HubOne may support other versions at our discretion.


Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud Infrastructure is any system conforming to the delivery model of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) as defined by NIST.


Requests for Change

Requests for change is a request for any change to your existing computing platform for any reason as defined in ISO 27001.


Desktop Deployment

Desktop Deployment is the installation, whether full or partial of hardware, operating systems or applications on any desktop, laptop, mobile phone or other personal computing device.


Consulting Rate

Our Consulting rate is currently $200 per hour. 24x7 Telehone Support is $50 per user per month.


Onsite Rate

Our Onsite Rate is currently $250 per hour plus travel and incidentals.


Computer Operating Systems

Computer operating systems must be installed with English as the OS Language. If it is not, additional charges will apply.


Fair Use Policy

Our fair use policy applies to all support and subscription plans.



A Project is anything that will reasonably take 4 hours or more.

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